Greek Animal Rescue relies entirely on voluntary contributions to pay for its vital work. We greatly appreciate every donation and all money donated goes directly to helping the animals of Greece by supporting animal shelters, sterilising as many dogs & cats as funds allow and finding homes for the lucky few. Your generosity really changes the lives of the animals.
Donate online
Our preferred method of receiving donations is via Nochex, which is a secure online site that manages donations to charities. They accept all major credit and debit cards. If you’re a UK tax payer don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation. Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to claim back tax on your donations. This means that for every £1 you give, GAR receives an extra 25 pence from HM Revenue & Customs, helping your donation go further and all at no extra cost to you!
You can make a donation by clicking on the logo below.
You can send us a donation via PayPal but as Greek Animal Rescue is charged a fee for this service, please only use this method if you live overseas.

Donate by cheque
You can also make a donation by cheque or PO made payable to Greek Animal Rescue.
Please download and complete the donation form HERE and return it with your gift to:
Greek Animal Rescue
PO Box 336
IP13 0WR
Donate by standing order
A standing order is a convenient way for you to make a regular gift and it is easy to set up. Standing orders also help us to plan ahead, and they cut administration costs, meaning that more money can go directly towards our rescue work.
If you wish to give regular amounts then please print and complete a form by clicking HERE and return it to us at the address below.
Greek Animal Rescue
PO Box 336
IP13 0WR
Donate by bank transfer
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code 30-99-86
Account 07466897
Greek Animal Rescue
IBAN: GB44LOYD30998600014087
Become a member
Twice a year supporters receive our information-packed newsletter.
It includes:
- Emergency and appeal updates
- Reports from Greece
- Details of how you can help and fundraising success stories
- Happy endings ~ showing how your membership has made a real difference
- Members own stories of their adoptions and rescues through Greek Animal Rescue
- Future events, merchandise and exciting progress reports of past rescues
- Updates and stories direct from the people that we support
The Annual membership subscription is £17 (Concession rate is £10) or for overseas membership: $30 or 35 Euro.
To subscribe, please download and complete the membership form including the Gift Aid declaration HERE and return it with payment to:
Greek Animal Rescue Membership
PO Box 336
IP13 0WR
Gift Aid your subscription
If you’re a UK tax payer don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation. Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to claim back tax on your donations. This means that for every £1 you give, GAR receives an extra 25 pence from HM Revenue & Customs, helping your donation go further and all at no extra cost to you!